Sunday, 19 February 2012

Knowing History is a good thing

So many who are working on the computer don't know what dose it mean.
Today before starting our c language tweak's i will introduce with the history of computers
There is a need of a machine which can work faster , cheaper and capable of storing large data .
For those people a machine named COMPUTER was given.
Computer means
C ommon O riented M achine P articularly U nited and used under T echnical and E ducational R esearch.
C ommon
O riented
M achine
P articularly
U nited and used under
T echnical and
E ducational
R esearch.

But some of the guyz like me who are gaming freaks, they make this term "computer" as
C ommonly
O perating
M achine
P urposley
U sed for
T eaching
E ntertainment &
R esearch

That's all history for today.This will be continued in my next posts of tommorow
Now coming on to the subject i.e., c language

History Of C language:

Most  of the people know this term c language but they  don't know the efforts which were put behind creating language's.Today  i will be posting the history behind the c language.
Don't think this is boring ,knowing history is a very good thing.

So directly coming on to the history . Dennis Ritche, he is the man who developed the C language. Remember guyz c language was not invented it is developed you all  will be  knowing what is the difference between them . In 1972 at Bell laboratories Dennis Ritchie developed c language.The priciples and ideas behind this language were fetched from the earlier language B,BCPL and CPL .Now what are these languages???

Now coming on to the first one i.e., CPL,Combined Programming Language it was also developed jointly by two university's those are University of Cambridge and the University of London (Computer Unit) in 1960s. The main purpose of developing this language is to develop a machine independent language .Which allows the programer to control the behavior of individual bits of information.
BCPL (1972) , Basic combined programming language this was created as a scaled down version of CPL while still retaining its basic features .This process was continue by Ken thompson.
He made B language while working at bell labs as a scaled down version of BCPL.
B Language was written for the systems programming. In 1972, a co-worker of Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie developed C Language by taking some of the generality found in BCPL to the B language.

Now you all got why i said C language was not invented  or created .

That's  all for this post we will be meeting up in my next post exploring about why do we need c language.

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